Take advantage of the knowledge and power that is at your fingertips to drive business growth to the next level.We have a number of white papers available to educate our clients and others on the benefits of our products and other product information so that you can feel comfortable and confident that Cortekx and Acuamatica is right for you.
Why Choose Acumatica?
Acumatica is a web-based financial and business management system that improves the productivity of your organization. The software runs on servers in your private network or hosted on the Internet so it can be used from anywhere.

Should I Move My ERP to the Cloud?
Cloud computing is almost certainly a part of nearly everyone’s computing landscape, from SnapFish and iCloud for personal use to SalesForce.com in business. There are many options available, including full-function ERP hosted in the cloud. The big question is whether a company with an existing onpremise ERP system should feel compelled to move to the cloud or else strongly consider the cloud when it is time to replace their existing system.

When is it the Right Time to Replace Your ERP System?
Your ERP system is at the heart of your business and nobody looks forward to a heart transplant. Yet, if the system is not supporting the needs of the business, limits your flexibility or inhibits customer service, a replacement is called for.